1. MSstatsLiP::LiPRawData
  2. MSstatsLiP::MSstatsLiP_Summarized
  3. MSstatsLiP::MSstatsLiP_data
  4. MSstatsLiP::MSstatsLiP_model
  5. MSstatsLiP::SkylineTest
  6. MSstatsLiP::TrPRawData
  7. MSstatsLiP::raw_lip
  8. MSstatsLiP::raw_prot
  9. MSstatsLOBD::raw_data
    Example of dataset that contains spike in data for 43 distinct peptides.
  10. MSstatsLOBD::spikeindata
    Example of normalized datasets from raw_data,
  11. MSstatsPTM::fragpipe_annotation
    Example annotation file for a TMT FragPipe experiment.
  12. MSstatsPTM::fragpipe_annotation_protein
    Example annotation file for a global profiling run TMT FragPipe experiment.
  13. MSstatsPTM::fragpipe_input
    Output of FragPipe TMT PTM experiment
  14. MSstatsPTM::fragpipe_input_protein
    Output of FragPipe TMT global profiling experiment
  15. MSstatsPTM::maxq_lf_annotation
    Example annotation file for a label-free MaxQuant experiment.
  16. MSstatsPTM::maxq_lf_evidence
    Example MaxQuant evidence file from the output of a label free experiment
  17. MSstatsPTM::maxq_tmt_annotation
    Example annotation file for a TMT MaxQuant experiment.
  18. MSstatsPTM::maxq_tmt_evidence
    Example MaxQuant evidence file from the output of a TMT experiment
  19. MSstatsPTM::pd_annotation
    Example annotation file for a label-free Proteome Discoverer experiment.
  20. MSstatsPTM::pd_psm_input
    Example Proteome Discoverer evidence file from the output of a label free experiment
  21. MSstatsPTM::pd_testing_output
    Example output of Proteome Discoverer converter
  22. MSstatsPTM::raw.input
    Example of input PTM dataset for LabelFree/DDA/DIA experiments.
  23. MSstatsPTM::raw.input.tmt
    Example of input PTM dataset for TMT experiments.
  24. MSstatsPTM::spectronaut_annotation
    Example annotation file for a label-free Spectronaut experiment.
  25. MSstatsPTM::spectronaut_input
    Example Spectronaut evidence file from the output of a label free experiment
  26. MSstatsPTM::summary.data
    Example of output from dataSummarizationPTM function for non-TMT data
  27. MSstatsPTM::summary.data.tmt
    Example of output from dataSummarizationPTM_TMT function for TMT data
  28. MSstatsShiny::annotation.mine
    Example annotation file for Spectromine
  29. MSstatsShiny::annotation.mq
    Example annotation file for MaxQuant
  30. MSstatsShiny::annotation.pd
    Example annotation file for PD
  31. MSstatsShiny::dia_skyline_model
    Example of Sklyine DDA dataset modeled using MSstats 'groupComparison' function.
  32. MSstatsShiny::dia_skyline_summarized
    Example of Sklyine DDA dataset processed using MSstats summarization function.
  33. MSstatsShiny::evidence
    Example evidence file for MaxQuant
  34. MSstatsShiny::example_dia_skyline
    Example of input Sklyine DDA dataset.
  35. MSstatsShiny::example_skyline_annotation
    Example annotation file
  36. MSstatsShiny::proteinGroups
    Example ProteinGroups file for MaxQuant
  37. MSstatsShiny::raw.mine
    Example output file Spectromine
  38. MSstatsShiny::raw.om
    Example output file Spectromine
  39. MSstatsShiny::raw.pd
    Example output file PD
  40. MSstatsShiny::tmt_pd_model
    Example of TMT dataset modeled using MSstatsTMT 'groupComparisonTMT' function.
  41. MSstatsShiny::tmt_pd_summarized
    Example of TMT dataset processed using MSstatsTMT summarization function.
  42. MSstatsTMT::annotation.mine
    Example of annotation file for raw.mine, which is the output of SpectroMine.
  43. MSstatsTMT::annotation.mq
    Example of annotation file for evidence, which is the output of MaxQuant.
  44. MSstatsTMT::annotation.pd
    Example of annotation file for raw.pd, which is the PSM output of Proteome Discoverer
  45. MSstatsTMT::evidence
    Example of output from MaxQuant for TMT-10plex experiments.
  46. MSstatsTMT::input.pd
    Example of output from PDtoMSstatsTMTFormat function
    MSstatsValidated|20360 x 11
  47. MSstatsTMT::proteinGroups
    Example of proteinGroups file from MaxQuant for TMT-10plex experiments.
  48. MSstatsTMT::quant.pd.msstats
    Example of output from proteinSummarizaiton function
  49. MSstatsTMT::raw.mine
    Example of output from SpectroMine for TMT-6plex experiments.
  50. MSstatsTMT::raw.om
    Example of MSstatsTMT report from OpenMS for TMT-10plex experiments.
  51. MSstatsTMT::raw.pd
    Example of output from Proteome Discoverer 2.2 for TMT-10plex experiments.
  52. MSstatsTMT::test.pairwise
    Example of output from groupComparisonTMT function